Based on Ihor Kaslashnikov's solution, I modified the function to be even more accurate using vanilla Javascript.
function momentHumanize(eventDuration, unit) {
var eventMDuration = moment.duration(eventDuration, unit);
var eventDurationArray = [];
if (eventMDuration.years() > 0) {
eventDurationArray.push(eventMDuration.years() + ' years');
eventMDuration.subtract(eventMDuration.years(), 'years')
if (eventMDuration.months() > 0) {
eventDurationArray.push(eventMDuration.months() + ' months');
eventMDuration.subtract(eventMDuration.months(), 'months')
if (eventMDuration.weeks() > 0) {
eventDurationArray.push(eventMDuration.weeks() + ' weeks');
eventMDuration.subtract(eventMDuration.weeks(), 'weeks')
if (eventMDuration.days() > 0) {
eventDurationArray.push(eventMDuration.days() + ' days');
eventMDuration.subtract(eventMDuration.days(), 'days')
if (eventMDuration.hours() > 0) {
eventDurationArray.push(eventMDuration.hours() + ' hours');
eventMDuration.subtract(eventMDuration.hours(), 'hours')
if (eventMDuration.minutes() > 0) {
eventDurationArray.push(eventMDuration.minutes() + ' minutes');
return eventDurationArray.length === 1 ? eventDurationArray[0] :
eventDurationArray.join(' and ')
This will remove any amount from the moment instance once it humanizes it.
I did this because Ihor's solution was inaccurate, given that moment's humanize function rounds the value. For example, if I had 2.8 hours, it should've been 2 hours and an hour.
My solution removes the 2 hours, from the instance, leaving only 0.8 hours, and doesn't use moment's humanize function to avoid rounding.
momentHumanize(45, 'minutes') // 45 minutes
momentHumanize(4514, 'minutes') // 3 days and 3 hours and 14 minutes
momentHumanize(45145587, 'minutes') // 85 years and 10 months and 1 days and 2 hours and 27 minutes
I needed it up to days only, but can be easily extended to weeks.
Doesn't make sense with months since diff says nothing about start date.
Having a period split to parts, adding "days"/"hours"/... is obvious.
This function takes a period string (ISO 8601), parses it with Moment (>2.3.0) and then, for every unit of time, pushes a string in the parts array. Then everything inside the parts array gets joined together with ", " as separation string.
var y = moment.duration(375,'days').years(); // returns 1
var d = moment.duration(375,'days').days(); // returns 9
var data = y + 'y ' + d + 'd';