You can only suppress warnings at the project level. However, you can configure your problems tab to suppress warnings from files or packages. Go into the Configure Contents menu and work with the "On working set:" scope.
If you're stuck with Eclipse 3.7 or lower: The user "Marc" commenting on that ticket created (or at least links to) a plugin called 'warningcleaner' in 意见35. I'm using that with a lot of success while waiting for this feature to be integrated into Eclipse.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
import glob
import os
print('Reading .classpath files...')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
for name in files:
if (name == '.classpath'):
classpathFile = os.path.join(root, name)
print('Patching file:' + classpathFile)
classpathDOM = parse(classpathFile)
classPathEntries = classpathDOM.getElementsByTagName('classpathentry')
for classPathEntry in classPathEntries:
if classPathEntry.attributes["path"].value.startswith('target/generated-sources'):
# ensure that the <attributes> tag exists
attributesNode = None;
for attributes in classPathEntry.childNodes:
if (attributes.nodeName == 'attributes'):
attributesNode = attributes
if (attributesNode == None):
attributesNode = classpathDOM.createElement('attributes')
# search if the 'ignore_optional_problems' entry exists
hasBeenSet = 0
for node in attributesNode.childNodes:
if (node.nodeName == 'attribute' and node.getAttribute('name') == 'ignore_optional_problems'):
# it exists, make sure its value is true
hasBeenSet = 1
if (not(hasBeenSet)):
# it does not exist, add it
x = classpathDOM.createElement("attribute")
f = open(classpathFile, "w")
print('Writing file:' + classpathFile)
距离我发布警告清除器插件已经有一段时间了,现在我正在使用 Eclipse 3.8,我不再需要它了。
However, for those who still need this plugin, I have released it on github with the update site on bintray.
如果您仍然在使用 Eclipse 3.7或之前的版本,这可能会很有用。
有关安装详细信息,请检查 this site。