Keyboard Shortcut to Cycle through Windows of same Application in Windows 7

I would have expected this to be a very simple task: switching between windows of the same application, but I can't seem to find the shortcut to do it. I generally have several windows of applications like Chrome (each window holding all the tabs related to a particular topic).

The behaviour I am looking for is what is implemented in Mac OSX with the Cmd+~ keyboard shortcut.

Is there a way to achieve the same on Windows 7?

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There is no such a keyboard shortcut but holding Ctrl + clicking on the icon in the taskbar repeatedly will cycle through that program's open windows.

Maybe related: If you want that the windows open directly when click on the stacked taskbar symbol (instead of opening the list), you can add the DWORD "LastActiveClick" to


and set it to 1.


Scott's answer is the closest one I've found to doing this. To summarize what he said:

Win + n where n is the number position of the application in the TaskBar. Then to cycle through, keep Win down and press n again.

(Updated thanks to @ZYinMD's comments - but also see their 1st comment)

Use AltEsc for fast switching without any GUI pop up