// Assumptions
// rand() in [0, RAND_MAX]
// n in (0, RAND_MAX]
int x;
// Keep searching for an x in a range divisible by n
do {
x = rand();
} while (x >= RAND_MAX - (RAND_MAX % n))
x %= n;
int alea(int n){
assert (0 < n && n <= RAND_MAX);
int partSize =
n == RAND_MAX ? 1 : 1 + (RAND_MAX-n)/(n+1);
int maxUsefull = partSize * n + (partSize-1);
int draw;
do {
draw = rand();
} while (draw > maxUsefull);
return draw/partSize;
* Calculate a uniformly distributed random number less than upper_bound
* avoiding "modulo bias".
* Uniformity is achieved by generating new random numbers until the one
* returned is outside the range [0, 2**32 % upper_bound). This
* guarantees the selected random number will be inside
* [2**32 % upper_bound, 2**32) which maps back to [0, upper_bound)
* after reduction modulo upper_bound.
arc4random_uniform(u_int32_t upper_bound)
u_int32_t r, min;
if (upper_bound < 2)
return 0;
/* 2**32 % x == (2**32 - x) % x */
min = -upper_bound % upper_bound;
* This could theoretically loop forever but each retry has
* p > 0.5 (worst case, usually far better) of selecting a
* number inside the range we need, so it should rarely need
* to re-roll.
for (;;) {
r = arc4random();
if (r >= min)
return r % upper_bound;
public int nextInt(int n) {
if (n <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must be positive");
if ((n & -n) == n) // i.e., n is a power of 2
return (int)((n * (long)next(31)) >> 31);
int bits, val;
do {
bits = next(31);
val = bits % n;
} while (bits - val + (n-1) < 0);
return val;
next: n
| bitSize r from to |
n < 0 ifTrue: [^0 - (self next: 0 - n)].
n = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].
n = 1 ifTrue: [^0].
cache isNil ifTrue: [cache := OrderedCollection new].
cache size < (self randmax highBit) ifTrue: [
Security.DSSRandom default next asByteArray do: [ :byte |
(1 to: 8) do: [ :i | cache add: (byte bitAt: i)]
r := 0.
bitSize := n highBit.
to := cache size.
from := to - bitSize + 1.
(from to: to) do: [ :i |
r := r bitAt: i - from + 1 put: (cache at: i)
cache removeFrom: from to: to.
r >= n ifTrue: [^self next: n].
Ran Max Value (RM) = 255
Valid Outcome (N) = 4
When X => 252, Discarded values for X are: 252, 253, 254, 255
So, if Random Value Selected (X) = {252, 253, 254, 255}
Number of discarded Values (I) = RM % N + 1 == N
I = RM % N + 1
I = 255 % 4 + 1
I = 3 + 1
I = 4
X => ( RM - RM % N )
255 => (255 - 255 % 4)
255 => (255 - 3)
255 => (252)
Discard Returns $True
int x;
do {
x = rand();
} while (x > (RAND_MAX - ( ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n) );
x %= n;
RAND_MAX = 3, n = 2, Values in RAND_MAX = 0,1,2,3, Valid Sets = 0,1 and 2,3.
When X >= (RAND_MAX - ( RAND_MAX % n ) )
When X >= 2 the value will be discarded, even though the set is valid.
RAND_MAX = 3, n = 2, Values in RAND_MAX = 0,1,2,3, Valid Sets = 0,1 and 2,3.
When X > (RAND_MAX - ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n )
When X > 3 the value would be discarded, but this is not a vlue in the set RAND_MAX so there will be no discard.
// Assumes:
// RAND_MAX is a globally defined constant, returned from the environment.
// int n; // User input, or externally defined, number of valid choices.
int x;
do {
x = rand();
} while (x > (RAND_MAX - ( ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n) ) );
x %= n;
扩展通解允许RAND_MAX+1 = n的一个附加场景:
// Assumes:
// RAND_MAX is a globally defined constant, returned from the environment.
// int n; // User input, or externally defined, number of valid choices.
int x;
if n != 0 {
do {
x = rand();
} while (x > (RAND_MAX - ( ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n) ) );
x %= n;
} else {
x = rand();
// Assumes:
// RAND_MAX is a globally defined constant, returned from the environment.
// int n; // User input, or externally defined, number of valid choices.
int x; // Resulting random number
int y; // One-time calculation of the compare value for x
y = RAND_MAX - ( ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n)
if n != 0 {
do {
x = rand();
} while (x > y);
x %= n;
} else {
x = rand();
1976年,D. E. Knuth和a . C. Yao表明,任何产生具有给定概率的随机整数的算法,只使用随机位,都可以表示为二叉树,其中随机位表示遍历树的路径,每个叶子(端点)对应一个结果。在这种情况下,我们处理的是生成[0,n)随机整数的算法,其中每个整数的选择概率为1/n。如果所有结果的树中出现相同数量的叶子,则算法为无偏见的。但是如果1/n有一个不终止的二进制展开(当n不是2的幂时就是这种情况),算法只有在-时才会是无偏的
function randomInt(minInclusive, maxExclusive) {
var maxInclusive = (maxExclusive - minInclusive) - 1
var x = 1
var y = 0
while(true) {
x = x * 2
var randomBit = (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 0 : 1)
y = y * 2 + randomBit
if(x > maxInclusive) {
if (y <= maxInclusive) { return y + minInclusive }
// Rejection
x = x - maxInclusive - 1
y = y - maxInclusive - 1