This answer applies to dates represented by the Oracle data type DATE.
Oracle also has a data type TIMESTAMP, which can also represent a date (with time). If you subtract TIMESTAMP values, you get an INTERVAL; to extract numeric values, use the EXTRACT function.
$sql="select bsp_bp,user_name,status,
to_char(ins_date,'dd/mm/yyyy hh12:mi:ss AM'),
to_char(pickup_date,'dd/mm/yyyy hh12:mi:ss AM'),
from valid_bsp_req where id >= '$id'";
extract( day from diff ) Days,
extract( hour from diff ) Hours,
extract( minute from diff ) Minutes
from (
select (CAST(creationdate as timestamp) - CAST(oldcreationdate as timestamp)) diff
from [TableName]
This will give you three columns as Days, Hours and Minutes.
If you want something that looks a bit simpler, try this for finding events in a table which occurred in the past 1 minute:
With this entry you can fiddle with the decimal values till you get the minute value that you want. The value .0007 happens to be 1 minute as far as the sysdate significant digits are concerned. You can use multiples of that to get any other value that you want:
select (sysdate - (sysdate - .0007)) * 1440 from dual;
Result is 1 (minute)
Then it is a simple matter to check for
select * from my_table where (sysdate - transdate) < .00071;
If you select two dates from 'your_table' and want too see the result as a single column output (eg. 'days - hh:mm:ss') you could use something like this.
First you could calculate the interval between these two dates and after that export all the data you need from that interval:
select to_char(actual_start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') start_time,
to_char(actual_completion_date,'DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') end_time,
floor((actual_completion_date-actual_start_date)*24*60)||'.'||round(mod((actual_completion_date-actual_start_date)*24*60*60,60)) diff_time
from fnd_concurrent_requests
order by request_id desc;