The package documentation at does have an example that demonstrates this. It's stated as an example of the New function, but it's the only example on the page and it has a link right near the top of the page so it is worth looking at. The complete example is,
h := sha1.New()
io.WriteString(h, "His money is twice tainted: 'taint yours and 'taint mine.")
fmt.Printf("% x", h.Sum(nil))
You can actually do this in a much more concise and idiomatic manner:
// Assuming 'r' is set to some inbound net/http request
form_value := []byte(r.PostFormValue("login_password"))
sha1_hash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha1.Sum(form_value))
// Then output optionally, to test
In this trivial example of a http.Request POST containing a login_password field, it is worth noting that fmt.Sprintf() called with %x converted the hash value to hex without having to include an import "encoding/hex" declaration.
( We used fmt.Sprintf() as opposed to fmt.Printf() as we were outputting a string to a variable assignment, not an io.Writer interface. )
Also of reference, is that the sha1.Sum() function verbosely instantiates in the same manner as the sha1.New() definition:
func New() hash.Hash {
d := new(digest)
return d
func Sum(data []byte) [Size]byte {
var d digest
return d.checkSum()
This holds true ( at least at the time of posting ) for the Sha library variants in Golang's standard crypto set, such as Sha512.
Lastly, if one wanted to, they could follow Golang's [to]String() implementation with something like func (h hash.Hash) String() string {...} to encapsulate the process.
That is most likely beyond the desired scope of the original question.