The alias wraps the ssh command and there might be some unexpected issues. ssho is available if you need to execute ssh without the whole remotecopyserver thing. Alternatively, you can use the alias ssh2 and keep the ssh command as it is.
在 Mac 上使用 iTerm2时,在机器上运行 tmux,然后用 Vim 进行编辑,我在 Mac 上有一个垂直分割的 iTerm2窗口,我把它拉到一边,使它尽可能地窄。
Then when I want to copy text from Vim, I will click into the tiny slice of iTerm2 window, and go back over and highlight and then copy the text from Vim. This works the best for single lines of text.
如果有一个 tmux 垂直分割,突出显示 Vim 缓冲区中的多行不会正确换行,并且会从其他 tmux 窗口复制文本,但是除此之外,这对于复制我需要的90% 的内容非常有用,而不需要退出 Vim、打开文件或者做其他事情。
Plug 'ojroques/vim-oscyank' " clipboard over ssh through tmux
" yank operation don't need to use the *" register (system clipboard)
set clipboard+=unnamedplus
autocmd TextYankPost * if v:event.operator is 'y' && v:event.regname is '' | OSCYankReg " | endif