我在调查 PHP5中的编码。有没有什么方法可以得到一个原始的十六进制转储字符串?即字符串中每个字节(不是字符)的十六进制表示?
echo bin2hex($string);
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { echo str_pad(dechex(ord($string[$i])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }
为了调试二进制协议,我需要一个更传统的 HEX 转储,所以我写了这个函数:
function hex_dump($data, $newline="\n") { static $from = ''; static $to = ''; static $width = 16; # number of bytes per line static $pad = '.'; # padding for non-visible characters if ($from==='') { for ($i=0; $i<=0xFF; $i++) { $from .= chr($i); $to .= ($i >= 0x20 && $i <= 0x7E) ? chr($i) : $pad; } } $hex = str_split(bin2hex($data), $width*2); $chars = str_split(strtr($data, $from, $to), $width); $offset = 0; foreach ($hex as $i => $line) { echo sprintf('%6X',$offset).' : '.implode(' ', str_split($line,2)) . ' [' . $chars[$i] . ']' . $newline; $offset += $width; } }
这产生了一个更传统的 HEX 转储,如下所示:
hex_dump($data); => 0 : 05 07 00 00 00 64 65 66 61 75 6c 74 40 00 00 00 [.....default@...] 10 : 31 42 38 43 39 44 30 34 46 34 33 36 31 33 38 33 [1B8C9D04F4361383] 20 : 46 34 36 32 32 46 33 39 32 46 44 38 43 33 42 30 [F4622F392FD8C3B0] 30 : 45 34 34 43 36 34 30 33 36 33 35 37 45 35 33 39 [E44C64036357E539] 40 : 43 43 38 44 35 31 34 42 44 36 39 39 46 30 31 34 [CC8D514BD699F014]
请注意,不可见字符被替换为句点-您可以更改每行的字节数($width)和填充字符($pad) ,以满足您的需要。我包含了一个 $newline 参数,所以如果需要在浏览器中显示输出,可以传递 "<br/>"。
在调试二进制协议时,我也需要一个 hexdump ()。我决定以 PEAR 包的形式发布我的解决方案,因为它非常有用。您还可以在 github 上浏览代码。
梨: http://www.metashock.de/pear
GitHub: http://www.github.com/metashock/Hexdump
除了心灵游戏解决方案,它支持正确的最后一行渲染和额外的参数。此外,该包还包含一个名为 phphd 的 php 可执行文件,用于 cmdline 上的 hexdump。这对 Windows 系统可能有帮助:)
@ 心理战。Dk: 谢谢 strtr ()的想法。它看起来比我以前的尝试稍微快一点。整合到我的版本里。(使用减少的翻译缓冲区)。.
$s = "\x04\x00\xa0\x00"; echo implode(' ', array_map(function($char) { # return sprintf('%02s', $char); return str_pad($char, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, array_map('dechex', unpack('C*', $s))));
借用 IonuG.Stan 的 评论,最后一行可能如下:
}, array_map('dechex', array_map('ord', str_split($s)))));
虽然已经过去了很多年,但是为了防止其他人也在搜索这个文件,我冒昧地修改了 mind play.dk 的代码,使其接受各种选项,并模拟 BSD 命令 hexdump-C 文件的输出:
/** * Dumps a string into a traditional hex dump for programmers, * in a format similar to the output of the BSD command hexdump -C file. * The default result is a string. * Supported options: * <pre> * line_sep - line seperator char, default = "\n" * bytes_per_line - default = 16 * pad_char - character to replace non-readble characters with, default = '.' * </pre> * * @param string $string * @param array $options * @param string|array */ function hex_dump($string, array $options = null) { if (!is_scalar($string)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('$string argument must be a string'); } if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array(); } $line_sep = isset($options['line_sep']) ? $options['line_sep'] : "\n"; $bytes_per_line = @$options['bytes_per_line'] ? $options['bytes_per_line'] : 16; $pad_char = isset($options['pad_char']) ? $options['pad_char'] : '.'; # padding for non-readable characters $text_lines = str_split($string, $bytes_per_line); $hex_lines = str_split(bin2hex($string), $bytes_per_line * 2); $offset = 0; $output = array(); $bytes_per_line_div_2 = (int)($bytes_per_line / 2); foreach ($hex_lines as $i => $hex_line) { $text_line = $text_lines[$i]; $output []= sprintf('%08X',$offset) . ' ' . str_pad( strlen($text_line) > $bytes_per_line_div_2 ? implode(' ', str_split(substr($hex_line,0,$bytes_per_line),2)) . ' ' . implode(' ', str_split(substr($hex_line,$bytes_per_line),2)) : implode(' ', str_split($hex_line,2)) , $bytes_per_line * 3) . ' |' . preg_replace('/[^\x20-\x7E]/', $pad_char, $text_line) . '|'; $offset += $bytes_per_line; } $output []= sprintf('%08X', strlen($string)); return @$options['want_array'] ? $output : join($line_sep, $output) . $line_sep; }
00000000 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 |.PNG........IHDR| 00000010 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 02 03 00 00 00 62 9d 17 |.............b..| 00000020 f2 00 00 00 09 50 4c 54 45 04 04 04 99 99 cc d7 |.....PLTE.......| 00000030 d7 d7 2a 66 f6 6b 00 00 00 38 49 44 41 54 78 9c |..*f.k...8IDATx.| 00000040 63 08 05 02 06 24 22 0b 44 24 01 89 ac a4 69 4b |c....$".D$....iK| 00000050 19 1a 16 68 70 31 74 29 75 2c 42 22 1a 16 75 00 |...hp1t)u,B"..u.| 00000060 c5 22 33 96 32 74 86 46 4c 65 58 19 1a 35 15 61 |."3.2t.FLeX..5.a| 00000070 00 00 df be 19 a6 2e 62 80 87 00 00 00 00 49 45 |.......b......IE| 00000080 4e 44 ae 42 60 82 |ND.B`.| 00000086
<?php if (isset($argv)) { print "Running outside of phpunit. Consider using phpunit.\n"; class PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {} } class Test extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { const FUNCTION_NAME = 'hex_dump'; const DATA_BASE64 = ' iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQAgMAAABinRfyAAAACVBMVEUEBASZmczX19cqZvZrAAAA OElEQVR4nGMIBQIGJCILRCQBiaykaUsZGhZocDF0KXUsQiIaFnUAxSIzljJ0hkZMZVgZGjUVYQAA 374Zpi5igIcAAAAASUVORK5CYII='; private $expect = array( '00000000 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 |.PNG........IHDR|', '00000010 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 02 03 00 00 00 62 9d 17 |.............b..|', '00000020 f2 00 00 00 09 50 4c 54 45 04 04 04 99 99 cc d7 |.....PLTE.......|', '00000030 d7 d7 2a 66 f6 6b 00 00 00 38 49 44 41 54 78 9c |..*f.k...8IDATx.|', '00000040 63 08 05 02 06 24 22 0b 44 24 01 89 ac a4 69 4b |c....$".D$....iK|', '00000050 19 1a 16 68 70 31 74 29 75 2c 42 22 1a 16 75 00 |...hp1t)u,B"..u.|', '00000060 c5 22 33 96 32 74 86 46 4c 65 58 19 1a 35 15 61 |."3.2t.FLeX..5.a|', '00000070 00 00 df be 19 a6 2e 62 80 87 00 00 00 00 49 45 |.......b......IE|', '00000080 4e 44 ae 42 60 82 |ND.B`.|', '00000086', ); public function testRequire() { $file = __DIR__ . '/' . static::FUNCTION_NAME . '.php'; $this->assertFileExists($file); include($file); $this->assertTrue(function_exists(static::FUNCTION_NAME)); } public function testString() { $func = static::FUNCTION_NAME; $data = base64_decode(static::DATA_BASE64); if (!is_string($data)) { throw new Exception('Unable to decode base64 encoded test data'); } $dump = $func($data); //var_export($dump); $this->assertTrue(is_string($dump)); $this->assertEquals($dump, join("\n", $this->expect) . "\n"); } } if (isset($argv)) { $func = Test::FUNCTION_NAME; require_once($func . '.php'); if (count($argv) < 2) { print "Pass arguments file, from, length.\n"; } else { $file = $argv[1]; if (!file_exists($file)) { die("File not found: $file\n"); } $from = isset($argv[2]) && preg_match('/^\d{1,9}$/', $argv[2]) ? intval($argv[2]) : null; $len = isset($argv[3]) && preg_match('/^\d{1,9}$/', $argv[3]) ? intval($argv[3]) : filesize($file); $h = fopen($file, 'r'); if ($from) { fseek($h, $from); } $data = fread($h, $len); fclose($h); $dump = hex_dump($data); print $dump; //$dump = hex_dump($data, array('want_array' => true)); //print_r($dump); } }
echo implode(array_map( fn ($a, $b) => sprintf("%-26s%-8s\n", $a, $b), str_split(implode(' ', str_split(bin2hex($string), 2)), 24), str_split($string, 8) ));