隐藏层 : to start,一个隐藏层具有与输入层大小相等的节点数。“理想”的大小更可能是更小的(例如,在输入层和输出层之间的一些节点数)而不是更大的——再次强调,这只是一个经验观察,这个观察的大部分是我自己的经验。如果项目需要额外的时间,那么我从一个由少量节点组成的隐藏层开始,然后(正如我在上面解释的那样)我向隐藏层添加节点,一次一个,同时计算泛化误差、训练误差、偏差和方差。当泛化误差下降时,在它再次开始增加之前,那时的节点数是我的选择。见下图。
Chromosome: Vector that defines how many units in each hidden layer (e.g. [20,5,1,0,0] meaning 20 units in first hidden layer, 5 in second, ... , with layers 4 and 5 missing). You can set a limit on the maximum number number of layers to try, and the max number of units in each layer. You should also place restrictions of how the chromosomes are generated. E.g. [10, 0, 3, ... ] should not be generated, because any units after a missing layer (the '3,...') would be irrelevant and would waste evaluation cycles.