除了 Graphite UI,是否还有其他更好的呈现数据的方法,比如使用一个非常棒的前端图形库和 http push?
A-ha! I did some googling and found Cubism.js which does exactly what I need.
It has integrated support for graphite and provides the necessary graphing components (as a plugin to D3) to create beautiful real-time dashboards.
If you don't want to code up your own frontend, you can use Graphiti. It is simple to use and looks great!
You can try Graphene which is a layer above Graphite: http://jondot.github.com/graphene/
Anyone tried Orion? Seems to be a good option but overlooked so far. https://github.com/gree/Orion
On the latest Graphite docs page, there is a list of tools which work with Graphite. For reference, here are the ones which seem to be prettification-based:
Additional interesting resources:
For details on each one, check out their pages, or take a look at the description on the first link I added, for the Graphite docs page.
I can see this is a bit old, but thought I'd add to it for future prosperity:
I went through a few of the options listed in @troy's response (and a few others). You can see my impressions in my blog post
Try Grafana
It has a very nice UI and advanced dashboard and graph editing features. Very simple to install.