


std::unique(vec.begin(), vec.end()),
std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());




522481 次浏览









std::set<Foo> foos(vec.begin(), vec.end()); // both sorted & unique already





我同意r .脑袋托德•加德纳;a std::set在这里可能是一个好主意。即使你在使用向量时遇到了困难,如果你有足够多的副本,你最好创建一个集合来做这些肮脏的工作。


用向量,sort + unique

sort( vec.begin(), vec.end() );
vec.erase( unique( vec.begin(), vec.end() ), vec.end() );


set<int> s;
unsigned size = vec.size();
for( unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i ) s.insert( vec[i] );
vec.assign( s.begin(), s.end() );


set<int> s( vec.begin(), vec.end() );
vec.assign( s.begin(), s.end() );


 compare of vector and set methods

总结:当重复的数量足够大时,它实际上更快地转换为一个集合,然后将数据转储回一个向量. 0。



template<typename T>
void removeDuplicates(std::vector<T>& vec)
std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
vec.erase(std::unique(vec.begin(), vec.end()), vec.end());



Nate Kohl建议的标准方法,使用vector, sort + unique:

sort( vec.begin(), vec.end() );
vec.erase( unique( vec.begin(), vec.end() ), vec.end() );







// ptgi::unique()
// Fix a problem in std::unique(), such that none of the original elts in the collection are lost or duplicate.
// ptgi::unique() has the same interface as std::unique()
// There is the 2 argument version which calls the default operator== to compare elements.
// There is the 3 argument version, which you can pass a user defined functor for specialized comparison.
// ptgi::unique() is an improved version of std::unique() which doesn't looose any of the original data
// in the collection, nor does it create duplicates.
// After ptgi::unique(), every old element in the original collection is still present in the re-ordered collection,
// except that duplicates have been moved to a contiguous range [dupPosition, last) at the end.
// Thus on output:
//  [begin, dupPosition) range are unique elements.
//  [dupPosition, last) range are duplicates which can be removed.
// where:
//  [] means inclusive, and
//  () means exclusive.
// In the original std::unique() non-duplicates at end are moved downward toward beginning.
// In the improved ptgi:unique(), non-duplicates at end are swapped with duplicates near beginning.
// In addition if you have a collection of ptrs to objects, the regular std::unique() will loose memory,
// and can possibly delete the same pointer multiple times (leading to SEGMENTATION VIOLATION on Linux machines)
// but ptgi::unique() won't.  Use valgrind(1) to find such memory leak problems!!!
// NOTE: IF you have a vector of pointers, that is, std::vector<Object*>, then upon return from ptgi::unique()
// you would normally do the following to get rid of the duplicate objects in the HEAP:
//  // delete objects from HEAP
//  std::vector<Object*> objects;
//  for (iter = dupPosition; iter != objects.end(); ++iter)
//  {
//      delete (*iter);
//  }
//  // shrink the vector. But Object * pointers are NOT followed for duplicate deletes, this shrinks the vector.size())
//  objects.erase(dupPosition, objects.end));
// NOTE: But if you have a vector of objects, that is: std::vector<Object>, then upon return from ptgi::unique(), it
// suffices to just call vector:erase(, as erase will automatically call delete on each object in the
// [dupPosition, end) range for you:
//  std::vector<Object> objects;
//  objects.erase(dupPosition, last);
// Example of differences between std::unique() vs ptgi::unique().
//  Given:
//      int data[] = {10, 11, 21};
//  Given this functor: ArrayOfIntegersEqualByTen:
//      A functor which compares two integers a[i] and a[j] in an int a[] array, after division by 10:
//  // given an int data[] array, remove consecutive duplicates from it.
//  // functor used for std::unique (BUGGY) or ptgi::unique(IMPROVED)
//  // Two numbers equal if, when divided by 10 (integer division), the quotients are the same.
//  // Hence 50..59 are equal, 60..69 are equal, etc.
//  struct ArrayOfIntegersEqualByTen: public std::equal_to<int>
//  {
//      bool operator() (const int& arg1, const int& arg2) const
//      {
//          return ((arg1/10) == (arg2/10));
//      }
//  };
//  Now, if we call (problematic) std::unique( data, data+3, ArrayOfIntegersEqualByTen() );
//  TEST1: BEFORE UNIQ: 10,11,21
//  TEST1: AFTER UNIQ: 10,21,21
//  DUP_INX=2
//      PROBLEM: 11 is lost, and extra 21 has been added.
//  More complicated example:
//  TEST2: BEFORE UNIQ: 10,20,21,22,30,31,23,24,11
//  TEST2: AFTER UNIQ: 10,20,30,23,11,31,23,24,11
//  DUP_INX=5
//      Problem: 21 and 22 are deleted.
//      Problem: 11 and 23 are duplicated.
//  NOW if ptgi::unique is called instead of std::unique, both problems go away:
//  TEST1: BEFORE UNIQ: 10,11,21
//  TEST1: AFTER UNIQ: 10,21,11
//  DUP_INX=2
//  TEST2: BEFORE UNIQ: 10,20,21,22,30,31,23,24,11
//  TEST2: AFTER UNIQ: 10,20,30,23,11,31,22,24,21
//  DUP_INX=5
//  @SEE: look at the "case study" below to understand which the last "AFTER UNIQ" results with that order:
//  TEST2: AFTER UNIQ: 10,20,30,23,11,31,22,24,21
// Case Study: how ptgi::unique() works:
//  Remember we "remove adjacent duplicates".
//  In this example, the input is NOT fully sorted when ptgi:unique() is called.
//  I put | separatators, BEFORE UNIQ to illustrate this
//  10  | 20,21,22 |  30,31 |  23,24 | 11
//  In example above, 20, 21, 22 are "same" since dividing by 10 gives 2 quotient.
//  And 30,31 are "same", since /10 quotient is 3.
//  And 23, 24 are same, since /10 quotient is 2.
//  And 11 is "group of one" by itself.
//  So there are 5 groups, but the 4th group (23, 24) happens to be equal to group 2 (20, 21, 22)
//  So there are 5 groups, and the 5th group (11) is equal to group 1 (10)
//  R = result
//  F = first
//  10, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 23, 24, 11
//  R    F
//  10 is result, and first points to 20, and R != F (10 != 20) so bump R:
//       R
//       F
//  Now we hits the "optimized out swap logic".
//  (avoid swap because R == F)
//  // now bump F until R != F (integer division by 10)
//  10, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 23, 24, 11
//       R   F              // 20 == 21 in 10x
//       R       F              // 20 == 22 in 10x
//       R           F          // 20 != 30, so we do a swap of ++R and F
//  (Now first hits 21, 22, then finally 30, which is different than R, so we swap bump R to 21 and swap with  30)
//  10, 20, 30, 22, 21, 31, 23, 24, 11  // after R & F swap (21 and 30)
//           R       F
//  10, 20, 30, 22, 21, 31, 23, 24, 11
//           R          F           // bump F to 31, but R and F are same (30 vs 31)
//           R               F      // bump F to 23, R != F, so swap ++R with F
//  10, 20, 30, 22, 21, 31, 23, 24, 11
//                  R           F       // bump R to 22
//  10, 20, 30, 23, 21, 31, 22, 24, 11  // after the R & F swap (22 & 23 swap)
//                  R            F      // will swap 22 and 23
//                  R                F      // bump F to 24, but R and F are same in 10x
//                  R                    F  // bump F, R != F, so swap ++R  with F
//                      R                F  // R and F are diff, so swap ++R  with F (21 and 11)
//  10, 20, 30, 23, 11, 31, 22, 24, 21
//                      R                F  // aftter swap of old 21 and 11
//                      R                  F    // F now at last(), so loop terminates
//                          R               F   // bump R by 1 to point to dupPostion (first duplicate in range)
//  return R which now points to 31
// 1) the #ifdef IMPROVED_STD_UNIQUE_ALGORITHM documents how we have modified the original std::unique().
// 2) I've heavily unit tested this code, including using valgrind(1), and it is *believed* to be 100% defect-free.
// History:
//  130201  dpb dbednar@ptgi.com created


// Created to solve memory leak problems when calling std::unique() on a vector<Route*>.
// Memory leaks discovered with valgrind and unitTesting.

#include <algorithm>        // std::swap

// instead of std::myUnique, call this instead, where arg3 is a function ptr
// like std::unique, it puts the dups at the end, but it uses swapping to preserve original
// vector contents, to avoid memory leaks and duplicate pointers in vector<Object*>.

#error the #ifdef for IMPROVED_STD_UNIQUE_ALGORITHM was defined previously.. Something is wrong.


// similar to std::unique, except that this version swaps elements, to avoid
// memory leaks, when vector contains pointers.
// Normally the input is sorted.
// Normal std::unique:
// 10 20 20 20 30   30 20 20 10
// a  b  c  d  e    f  g  h  i
// 10 20 30 20 10 | 30 20 20 10
// a  b  e  g  i    f  g  h  i
// Now GONE: c, d.
// Now DUPS: g, i.
// This causes memory leaks and segmenation faults due to duplicate deletes of same pointer!

namespace ptgi {

// Return the position of the first in range of duplicates moved to end of vector.
// uses operator==  of class for comparison
// @param [first, last) is a range to find duplicates within.
// @return the dupPosition position, such that [dupPosition, end) are contiguous
// duplicate elements.
// IF all items are unique, then it would return last.
template <class ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator unique( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last)
// compare iterators, not values
if (first == last)
return last;

// remember the current item that we are looking at for uniqueness
ForwardIterator result = first;

// result is slow ptr where to store next unique item
// first is  fast ptr which is looking at all elts

// the first iterator moves over all elements [begin+1, end).
// while the current item (result) is the same as all elts
// to the right, (first) keeps going, until you find a different
// element pointed to by *first.  At that time, we swap them.

while (++first != last)
if (!(*result == *first))
// inc result, then swap *result and *first

//          std::swap( *first, *(++result));

// BUT avoid swapping with itself when both iterators are the same
if (result != first)
std::swap( *first, *result);
// original code found in std::unique()
// copies unique down
*(++result) = *first;

return ++result;

template <class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
ForwardIterator unique( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, BinaryPredicate pred)
if (first == last)
return last;

// remember the current item that we are looking at for uniqueness
ForwardIterator result = first;

while (++first != last)
if (!pred(*result,*first))
// inc result, then swap *result and *first

//          std::swap( *first, *(++result));
// BUT avoid swapping with itself when both iterators are the same
if (result != first)
std::swap( *first, *result);

// original code found in std::unique()
// copies unique down
// causes memory leaks, and duplicate ptrs
// and uncessarily moves in place!
*(++result) = *first;

return ++result;

// from now on, the #define is no longer needed, so get rid of it

} // end ptgi:: namespace


下面是我用来测试它的UNIT Test程序:

// QUESTION: in test2, I had trouble getting one line to compile,which was caused  by the declaration of operator()
// in the equal_to Predicate.  I'm not sure how to correctly resolve that issue.
// Look for //OUT lines
// Make sure that NOTES in ptgi_unique.hpp are correct, in how we should "cleanup" duplicates
// from both a vector<Integer> (test1()) and vector<Integer*> (test2).
// Run this with valgrind(1).
// In test2(), IF we use the call to std::unique(), we get this problem:
//  [dbednar@ipeng8 TestSortRoutes]$ ./Main7
//  TEST2: ORIG nums before UNIQUE: 10, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 23, 24, 11
//  TEST2: modified nums AFTER UNIQUE: 10, 20, 30, 23, 11, 31, 23, 24, 11
//  INFO: dupInx=5
//  TEST2: uniq = 10
//  TEST2: uniq = 20
//  TEST2: uniq = 30
//  TEST2: uniq = 33427744
//  TEST2: uniq = 33427808
//  Segmentation fault (core dumped)
// And if we run valgrind we seen various error about "read errors", "mismatched free", "definitely lost", etc.
//  valgrind --leak-check=full ./Main7
//  ==359== Memcheck, a memory error detector
//  ==359== Command: ./Main7
//  ==359== Invalid read of size 4
//  ==359== Invalid free() / delete / delete[]
//  ==359== HEAP SUMMARY:
//  ==359==     in use at exit: 8 bytes in 2 blocks
//  ==359== LEAK SUMMARY:
//  ==359==    definitely lost: 8 bytes in 2 blocks
// But once we replace the call in test2() to use ptgi::unique(), all valgrind() error messages disappear.
// 130212   dpb dbednar@ptgi.com created
// =========================================================================================================

#include <iostream> // std::cout, std::cerr
#include <string>
#include <vector>   // std::vector
#include <sstream>  // std::ostringstream
#include <algorithm>    // std::unique()
#include <functional>   // std::equal_to(), std::binary_function()
#include <cassert>  // assert() MACRO

#include "ptgi_unique.hpp"  // ptgi::unique()

// Integer is small "wrapper class" around a primitive int.
// There is no SETTER, so Integer's are IMMUTABLE, just like in JAVA.

class Integer
int num;

// default CTOR: "Integer zero;"
// COMPRENSIVE CTOR:  "Integer five(5);"
Integer( int num = 0 ) :

Integer( const Integer& rhs) :

// assignment, operator=, needs nothing special... since all data members are primitives

// GETTER for 'num' data member
// GETTER' are *always* const
int getNum() const
return num;

// NO SETTER, because IMMUTABLE (similar to Java's Integer class)

// @return "num"
// NB: toString() should *always* be a const method
// NOTE: it is probably more efficient to call getNum() intead
// of toString() when printing a number:
// BETTER to do this:
//  Integer five(5);
//  std::cout << five.getNum() << "\n"
// than this:
//  std::cout << five.toString() << "\n"

std::string toString() const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << num;
return oss.str();

// convenience typedef's for iterating over std::vector<Integer>
typedef std::vector<Integer>::iterator      IntegerVectorIterator;
typedef std::vector<Integer>::const_iterator    ConstIntegerVectorIterator;

// convenience typedef's for iterating over std::vector<Integer*>
typedef std::vector<Integer*>::iterator     IntegerStarVectorIterator;
typedef std::vector<Integer*>::const_iterator   ConstIntegerStarVectorIterator;

// functor used for std::unique or ptgi::unique() on a std::vector<Integer>
// Two numbers equal if, when divided by 10 (integer division), the quotients are the same.
// Hence 50..59 are equal, 60..69 are equal, etc.
struct IntegerEqualByTen: public std::equal_to<Integer>
bool operator() (const Integer& arg1, const Integer& arg2) const
return ((arg1.getNum()/10) == (arg2.getNum()/10));

// functor used for std::unique or ptgi::unique on a std::vector<Integer*>
// Two numbers equal if, when divided by 10 (integer division), the quotients are the same.
// Hence 50..59 are equal, 60..69 are equal, etc.
struct IntegerEqualByTenPointer: public std::equal_to<Integer*>
// NB: the Integer*& looks funny to me!
// TECHNICAL PROBLEM ELSEWHERE so had to remove the & from *&
//OUT   bool operator() (const Integer*& arg1, const Integer*& arg2) const
bool operator() (const Integer* arg1, const Integer* arg2) const
return ((arg1->getNum()/10) == (arg2->getNum()/10));

void test1();
void test2();
void printIntegerStarVector( const std::string& msg, const std::vector<Integer*>& nums );

int main()
return 0;

// test1() uses a vector<Object> (namely vector<Integer>), so there is no problem with memory loss
void test1()
int data[] = { 10, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 23, 24, 11};

// turn C array into C++ vector
std::vector<Integer> nums(data, data+9);

// arg3 is a functor
IntegerVectorIterator dupPosition = ptgi::unique( nums.begin(), nums.end(), IntegerEqualByTen() );

nums.erase(dupPosition, nums.end());

nums.erase(nums.begin(), dupPosition);

// test2() uses a vector<Integer*>, so after ptgi:unique(), we have to be careful in
// how we eliminate the duplicate Integer objects stored in the heap.
void test2()
int data[] = { 10, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 23, 24, 11};

// turn C array into C++ vector of Integer* pointers
std::vector<Integer*> nums;

// put data[] integers into equivalent Integer* objects in HEAP
for (int inx = 0; inx < 9; ++inx)
nums.push_back( new Integer(data[inx]) );

// print the vector<Integer*> to stdout
printIntegerStarVector( "TEST2: ORIG nums before UNIQUE", nums );

// arg3 is a functor
#if 1
// corrected version which fixes SEGMENTATION FAULT and all memory leaks reported by valgrind(1)
// I THINK we want to use new C++11 cbegin() and cend(),since the equal_to predicate is passed "Integer *&"

//OUT   IntegerStarVectorIterator dupPosition = ptgi::unique( const_cast<ConstIntegerStarVectorIterator>(nums.begin()), const_cast<ConstIntegerStarVectorIterator>(nums.end()), IntegerEqualByTenPointer() );

// DID NOT COMPILE when equal_to predicate declared "Integer*& arg1, Integer*&  arg2"
//OUT   IntegerStarVectorIterator dupPosition = ptgi::unique( const_cast<nums::const_iterator>(nums.begin()), const_cast<nums::const_iterator>(nums.end()), IntegerEqualByTenPointer() );

// okay when equal_to predicate declared "Integer* arg1, Integer*  arg2"
IntegerStarVectorIterator dupPosition = ptgi::unique(nums.begin(), nums.end(), IntegerEqualByTenPointer() );
// BUGGY version that causes SEGMENTATION FAULT and valgrind(1) errors
IntegerStarVectorIterator dupPosition = std::unique( nums.begin(), nums.end(), IntegerEqualByTenPointer() );

printIntegerStarVector( "TEST2: modified nums AFTER UNIQUE", nums );
int dupInx = dupPosition - nums.begin();
std::cout << "INFO: dupInx=" << dupInx <<"\n";

// delete the dup Integer* objects in the [dupPosition, end] range
for (IntegerStarVectorIterator iter = dupPosition; iter != nums.end(); ++iter)
delete (*iter);

// shrink the vector
// NB: the Integer* ptrs are NOT followed by vector::erase()
nums.erase(dupPosition, nums.end());

// print the uniques, by following the iter to the Integer* pointer
for (IntegerStarVectorIterator iter = nums.begin(); iter != nums.end();  ++iter)
std::cout << "TEST2: uniq = " << (*iter)->getNum() << "\n";

// remove the unique objects from heap
for (IntegerStarVectorIterator iter = nums.begin(); iter != nums.end();  ++iter)
delete (*iter);

// shrink the vector
nums.erase(nums.begin(), nums.end());

// the vector should now be completely empty
assert( nums.size() == 0);

//@ print to stdout the string: "info_msg: num1, num2, .... numN\n"
void printIntegerStarVector( const std::string& msg, const std::vector<Integer*>& nums )
std::cout << msg << ": ";
int inx = 0;
ConstIntegerStarVectorIterator  iter;

// use const iterator and const range!
// NB: cbegin() and cend() not supported until LATER (c++11)
for (iter = nums.begin(), inx = 0; iter != nums.end(); ++iter, ++inx)
// output a comma seperator *AFTER* first
if (inx > 0)
std::cout << ", ";

// call Integer::toString()
std::cout << (*iter)->getNum();     // send int to stdout
//      std::cout << (*iter)->toString();   // also works, but is probably slower


// in conclusion, add newline
std::cout << "\n";


// Main10.cpp
// Illustration of duplicate delete and memory leak in a vector<int*> after calling std::unique.
// On a LINUX machine, it crashes the progam because of the duplicate delete.
// INPUT : {1, 2, 2, 3}
// OUTPUT: {1, 2, 3, 3}
// The two 3's are actually pointers to the same 3 integer in the HEAP, which is BAD
// because if you delete both int* pointers, you are deleting the same memory
// location twice.
// Never mind the fact that we ignore the "dupPosition" returned by std::unique(),
// but in any sensible program that "cleans up after istelf" you want to call deletex
// on all int* poitners to avoid memory leaks.
// NOW IF you replace std::unique() with ptgi::unique(), all of the the problems disappear.
// Why? Because ptgi:unique merely reshuffles the data:
// OUTPUT: {1, 2, 3, 2}
// The ptgi:unique has swapped the last two elements, so all of the original elements in
// the INPUT are STILL in the OUTPUT.
// 130215   dbednar@ptgi.com

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>

#include "ptgi_unique.hpp"

// functor used by std::unique to remove adjacent elts from vector<int*>
struct EqualToVectorOfIntegerStar: public std::equal_to<int *>
bool operator() (const int* arg1, const int* arg2) const
return (*arg1 == *arg2);

void printVector( const std::string& msg, const std::vector<int*>& vnums);

int main()
int inums [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3 };
std::vector<int*> vnums;

// convert C array into vector of pointers to integers
for (size_t inx = 0; inx < 4; ++ inx)
vnums.push_back( new int(inums[inx]) );

printVector("BEFORE UNIQ", vnums);

// INPUT : 1, 2A, 2B, 3
std::unique( vnums.begin(), vnums.end(), EqualToVectorOfIntegerStar() );
// OUTPUT: 1, 2A, 3, 3 }
printVector("AFTER  UNIQ", vnums);

// now we delete 3 twice, and we have a memory leak because 2B is not deleted.
for (size_t inx = 0; inx < vnums.size(); ++inx)

// print a line of the form "msg: 1,2,3,..,5,6,7\n", where 1..7 are the numbers in vnums vector
// PS: you may pass "hello world" (const char *) because of implicit (automatic) conversion
// from "const char *" to std::string conversion.

void printVector( const std::string& msg, const std::vector<int*>& vnums)
std::cout << msg << ": ";

for (size_t inx = 0; inx < vnums.size(); ++inx)
// insert comma separator before current elt, but ONLY after first elt
if (inx > 0)
std::cout << ",";
std::cout << *vnums[inx];

std::cout << "\n";
std::set<int> s;
std::for_each(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), [&s](int val){s.insert(val);});
std::copy(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), v.cbegin());



我在setunordered_set实现中做了一些深入研究,发现构造函数实际上为每个元素构造了一个新节点,然后检查其值以确定是否应该实际插入(至少在Visual Studio实现中)。


f1:只使用vectorsort + unique

sort( vec.begin(), vec.end() );
vec.erase( unique( vec.begin(), vec.end() ), vec.end() );


set<int> s( vec.begin(), vec.end() );
vec.assign( s.begin(), s.end() );


set<int> s;
for (int i : vec)
vec.assign( s.begin(), s.end() );


unordered_set<int> s( vec.begin(), vec.end() );
vec.assign( s.begin(), s.end() );
sort( vec.begin(), vec.end() );


unordered_set<int> s;
for (int i : vec)
vec.assign( s.begin(), s.end() );
sort( vec.begin(), vec.end() );

我在[1,10],[1,1000]和[1,100000]的范围内随机选择了100,000,000 int的向量进行测试


range         f1       f2       f3       f4      f5
[1,10]      1.6821   7.6804   2.8232   6.2634  0.7980
[1,1000]    5.0773  13.3658   8.2235   7.6884  1.9861
[1,100000]  8.7955  32.1148  26.5485  13.3278  3.9822

关于alexK7基准测试。我尝试了它们,得到了类似的结果,但是当值的范围为100万时,使用std::sort (f1)和使用std::unordered_set (f5)的情况产生类似的时间。当取值范围为1000万时,f1比f5快。


void DeleteDuplicates_vector_bool(std::vector<unsigned>& v, unsigned range_size)
std::vector<bool> v1(range_size);
for (auto& x: v)
v1[x] = true;

unsigned count = 0;
for (auto& x: v1)
if (x)


template <class T>
void RemoveDuplicatesInVector(std::vector<T> & vec)
set<T> values;
vec.erase(std::remove_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [&](const T & value) { return !values.insert(value).second; }), vec.end());


std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
v.erase(std::unique(v.begin(), v.end()), v.end());


std::vector<int> myvector{10,20,20,20,30,30,20,20,10};             // 10 20 20 20 30 30 20 20 10
std::sort(myvector.begin(), myvector.end() );
const auto& it = std::unique (myvector.begin(), myvector.end());   // 10 20 30 ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
//          ^
myvector.resize( std::distance(myvector.begin(),it) ); // 10 20 30
void EraseVectorRepeats(vector <int> & v){
TOP:for(int y=0; y<v.size();++y){
for(int z=0; z<v.size();++z){
if(y==z){ //This if statement makes sure the number that it is on is not erased-just skipped-in order to keep only one copy of a repeated number
v.erase(v.begin()+z); //whenever a number is erased the function goes back to start of the first loop because the size of the vector changes
goto TOP;}}}}



#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>

int main()
// remove duplicate elements
std::vector<int> v{1,2,3,1,2,3,3,4,5,4,5,6,7};
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()); // 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7
auto last = std::unique(v.begin(), v.end());
// v now holds {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x x x x x x}, where 'x' is indeterminate
v.erase(last, v.end());
for (int i : v)
std::cout << i << " ";
std::cout << "\n";


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


a.erase(unique(a.begin(),a.end()),a.end());O (n)时间运行。

使用Ranges v3库,您可以简单地使用



不幸的是,动作在c++ 20中没有标准化,因为即使在c++ 20中,范围库的其他部分仍然必须使用原始库。

void removeDuplicates(std::vector<int>& arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < arr.size(); j++)
if (arr[i] > arr[j])
int temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
std::vector<int> y;
int x = arr[0];
int i = 0;
while (i < arr.size())
if (x != arr[i])
x = arr[i];
if (i == arr.size())
y.push_back(arr[i - 1]);
arr = y;

如果你的类很容易转换为int型,并且你有一些内存, Unique可以在没有排序的情况下完成,而且速度更快:

#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
int main (int argc, char* argv []) {
//vector init
std::vector<int> v (1000000, 0);
std::for_each (v.begin (), v.end (), [] (int& s) {s = rand () %1000;});
std::vector<int> v1 (v);
int beg (0), end (0), duration (0);
beg = clock ();
std::sort (v.begin (), v.end ());
auto i (v.begin ());
i = std::unique (v.begin (), v.end ());
if (i != v.end ()) v.erase (i, v.end ());
end = clock ();
duration = (int) (end - beg);
std::cout << "\tduration sort + unique == " << duration << std::endl;

int n (0);
duration = 0;
beg = clock ();
std::for_each (v1.begin (), v1.end (), [&n] (const int& s) {if (s >= n) n = s+1;});
std::vector<int> tab (n, 0);
auto i (v1.begin ());
std::for_each (v1.begin (), v1.end (), [&i, &tab] (const int& s) {
if (!tab [s]) {
*i++ = s;
++tab [s];
std::sort (v1.begin (), i);
v1.erase (i, v1.end ());
end = clock ();
duration = (int) (end - beg);
std::cout << "\tduration unique + sort == " << duration << std::endl;
if (v == v1) {
std::cout << "and results are same" << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "but result differs" << std::endl;
典型结果: Duration sort + unique == 38985 持续时间唯一+排序== 2500 结果相同


using Intvec = std::vector<int>;

void remove(Intvec &v) {
// creating iterator starting with beginning of the vector
Intvec::iterator itr = v.begin();
std::unordered_set<int> s;
// loops from the beginning to the end of the list
for (auto curr = v.begin(); curr != v.end(); ++curr) {
if (s.insert(*curr).second) { // if the 0 curr already exist in the set
*itr++ = *curr; // adding a position to the iterator
// erasing repeating positions in the set
v.erase(itr, v.end());

取决于用例。如果你期望有少于100个正整数的唯一值,并且你有一个cpu能够处理avx512f指令集,那么你可以以每个元素15个时钟周期或每秒3 -5亿个插入的速度插入元素,通过与一个小型查找表进行简单的比较。


//g++  7.4.0
// time measurement taken from another answer
// valid C99 and C++

#include <stdint.h>  // <cstdint> is preferred in C++, but stdint.h works.

#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <intrin.h>
# include <x86intrin.h>

// optional wrapper if you don't want to just use __rdtsc() everywhere
uint64_t readTSC() {
_mm_lfence();  // optionally wait for earlier insns to retire before reading the clock
uint64_t tsc = __rdtsc();
_mm_lfence();  // optionally block later instructions until rdtsc retires
return tsc;

// requires a Nehalem or newer CPU.  Not Core2 or earlier.  IDK when AMD added it.
uint64_t readTSCp() {
unsigned dummy;
return __rdtscp(&dummy);  // waits for earlier insns to retire, but allows later to start

#include <iostream>

template<int n>
struct FastUnique
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

void insert(const int val)

const int get(const int index)
return dict[index];

const int size()
return it;

int dict[n];
int it;
bool test(const int * dict, const int val)
int c=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
return c>0;

int main()
std::cout << "Hello, world!\n";
const int n=500000000;

FastUnique<64> fastSet;

auto t= readTSC();

for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

auto t2=readTSC();

std::cout<<(t2-t)/(double)n<<"cycles per iteration"<<std::endl;

for(int i=0;i<fastSet.size();i++)

return 0;