Eclipse 光标更改为交叉瞄准

我在 Eclipse JavaEE IDE 工作。使用时,鼠标光标变为十字头。现在它在编辑器中显示为十字头。在哪里换?

47048 次浏览

Most likely this is the block edit mode. Try pressing Alt+Shift+A.

Just so to provide solution for MAC again-

cmd + alt + A

Thanks to @vsm

Clicking the 0 button while on num lock can also cause it to change...

Just wrote this incase any one else was not finding a solution! :-)

Due to certain typo slips these anoying crusor change might turn up.You save your work on diffrent txt file and then close down the work without saving it on the ide .Build up a new class file paste the already written code from the txt file and continue.Enjoy;