The number variables are the matches from the last successful match or substitution operator you applied:
my $string = 'abcdefghi';
if ($string =~ /(abc)def(ghi)/) {
print "I found $1 and $2\n";
Always test that the match or substitution was successful before using $1 and so on. Otherwise, you might pick up the leftovers from another operation.
Perl regular expressions are documented in perlre.
The $number variables contain the parts of the string that matched the capture groups( ... ) in the pattern for your last regex match if the match was successful.
For example, take the following string:
$text = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
$1, $2, etc will contain the value of captures from the last successful match - it's important to check whether the match succeeded before accessing them, i.e.
if ( $var =~ m/( )/ ) { # use $1 etc... }
An example of the problem - $1 contains 'Quick' in both print statements below: