GPL/LGPL 与静态链接


专有源代码 + GPL 源代码 -> GPL 源代码(所有代码必须在 GPL 下发布)

专有源代码 + LGPL 源代码 -> 专有源代码(所有代码保持专有)

现在,连接 GPL 和 LGPL 代码的 静态/动态如何与上述组合一起工作?

49339 次浏览

If you want to distribute a combined work, you'll have to use the following license;

Proprietary Source code + GPL Source code

Proprietary Source code + LGPL Source code

See also executing a (L)GPL program from proprietary Source code.

Update (November 2014): A Comprehensive Tutorial and Guide contains a clear an detailed description of the (L)GPL and its usage, including distribution. I recommend it for more details.