

dictionary = {('a', 'b'): 1, ('c', 'd'): 2}
assert dictionary['a'] == 1
assert dictionary['b'] == 1


196022 次浏览


class Value:
def __init__(self, v=None):
self.v = v

v1 = Value(1)
v2 = Value(2)

d = {'a': v1, 'b': v1, 'c': v2, 'd': v2}
d['a'].v += 1

d['b'].v == 2 # True
  • Python 的字符串和数字是 永恒不变对象,
  • 因此,如果您希望 d['a']d['b']指向 同样的价值,在它变化时“更新”,那么让该值引用 易变的对象(类似上面的用户定义类,或者 dictlistset)。
  • Then, when you modify the object at d['a'], d['b'] changes at same time because they both point to same object.

Your example creates multiple key: value pairs if using fromkeys. If you don't want this, you can use one key and create an alias for the key. For example if you are using a register map, your key can be the register address and the alias can be register name. That way you can perform read/write operations on the correct register.

>>> mydict = {}
>>> mydict[(1,2)] = [30, 20]
>>> alias1 = (1,2)
>>> print mydict[alias1]
[30, 20]
>>> mydict[(1,3)] = [30, 30]
>>> print mydict
{(1, 2): [30, 20], (1, 3): [30, 30]}
>>> alias1 in mydict

If you're going to be adding to this dictionary frequently you'd want to take a class based approach, something similar to @Latty's answer in this SO question 2d-dictionary-with-many-key-that-will-return-the-same-value.

However, if you have a static dictionary, and you need only access values by multiple keys then you could just go the very simple route of using two dictionaries. One to store the alias key association and one to store your actual data:

alias = {
'a': 'id1',
'b': 'id1',
'c': 'id2',
'd': 'id2'

dictionary = {
'id1': 1,
'id2': 2



def add(key, id, value=None)
if id in dictionary:
if key in alias:
# Do nothing
alias[key] = id
dictionary[id] = value
alias[key] = id

add('e', 'id2')
add('f', 'id3', 3)


很简单。首先,您必须了解 Python 解释器的设计。它不会为所有的变量分配内存基本上如果任何两个或更多的变量有相同的值它只是映射到该值。


In [6]: a = 10

In [7]: id(a)
Out[7]: 10914656

In [8]: b = 10

In [9]: id(b)
Out[9]: 10914656

In [10]: c = 11

In [11]: id(c)
Out[11]: 10914688

In [12]: d = 21

In [13]: id(d)
Out[13]: 10915008

In [14]: e = 11

In [15]: id(e)
Out[15]: 10914688

In [16]: e = 21

In [17]: id(e)
Out[17]: 10915008

In [18]: e is d
Out[18]: True
In [19]: e = 30

In [20]: id(e)
Out[20]: 10915296

在上面的输出中,变量 a 和 b 共享相同的内存,当我创建一个新的变量 e 并存储一个已经存在于变量 c 中的值(11)时,c 和 d 有不同的内存,所以它映射到那个内存位置,当我将变量 e 中的值改为21时,它不会创建一个新的内存,这个值已经存在于变量 d 中,所以现在变量 d 和 e 共享相同的内存位置。最后,我将变量 e 中的值改为30,这个值不存储在任何其他变量中,因此它为 e 创建了一个新的内存。




当多个键具有相同的值时,则所有键共享相同的内存,因此您所期望的内容已经存在于 python 中。


In [49]: dictionary = {
...:     'k1':1,
...:     'k2':1,
...:     'k3':2,
...:     'k4':2}

In [50]: id(dictionary['k1'])
Out[50]: 10914368

In [51]: id(dictionary['k2'])
Out[51]: 10914368

In [52]: id(dictionary['k3'])
Out[52]: 10914400

In [53]: id(dictionary['k4'])
Out[53]: 10914400

从上面的输出,键 k1和 k2映射到相同的地址,这意味着值1存储在内存中只有一次,这是多键单值字典这是你想要的东西。校对: P


#!/usr/bin/env python3

def get_keys(s):
# Lower the user's entry to easily manipulate data
s = s.lower()

# Create a list to simulate multiple keys
numbers = ['uno', 'one', 'um', 'eins', 'ein']

# Lambda for input validation
validator = lambda key: key if key in numbers else 'no-key-found'  # return me x if x is found in the list numbers, contratiwise return me 'no-key-found'

dic = {
'no-key-found':'Key does not exist'


return dic[validator(s)]

print(get_keys(input('Type in word: ')))


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

def week_days():
# Assets
number_day = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']

# Introduction
print('Welcome to the Week Day Finder')

# User input
day = input('Please, enter the day you want to check: ').lower()
WEEK_COLOR = {'RED': '\u001b[31m', 'GREEN': '\u001b[32m'}

# Day validator
days = {
'1' if day in number_day else 'sunday': 'Weekend Day',
'2' if day in number_day else 'monday': 'Week Day',
'3' if day in number_day else 'tuesday': 'Week Day',
'4' if day in number_day else 'wednesday': 'Week Day',
'5' if day in number_day else 'thursday': 'Week Day',
'6' if day in number_day else 'friday': 'Week Day',
'7' if day in number_day else 'saturday': 'Weekend Day'

# Logical trial
if days[day] == 'Week Day':
print(WEEK_COLOR['GREEN'], days[day])

print(WEEK_COLOR['RED'], days[day])

except KeyError:
print('** Invalid Day **', file=sys.stderr)


def main():


if __name__ == '__main__':


dictionary = {
**dict.fromkeys(['a', 'b'], 1),
**dict.fromkeys(['c', 'd'], 2),

assert dictionary['a'] == 1
assert dictionary['b'] == 1

# Elegant!!