我是这样做的(使用 coreutils _ 8.5-1ubuntu6 _ amd64) :
du -sch `find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d`
我正在寻找一个简单的方法(较短的 cmd)找到 子目录的大小。谢谢。
On my version of du (from coreutils 8.14) this works:
du -h -d 1
-h is for human readable sizes.
create an alias:
alias subs="du -sch `find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d`"
and I thing 'subs' is much shorter.
This works with coreutils 5.97:
du -cksh *
not sure about coreutils, but I like df -h <directory> or df -h. The -h is for human readable.
df -h <directory>
df -h
The following did the job for me:
du -hs */
Without the trailing slash the output was not restricted to directories.
actually you can try :
du -kh | cut -f1
This command is your answer:
du -sh *
All these answers didn't work for me, I think some parameters depend on the environment.
So I did this:
du -csh /home/pi/walala/* | grep total | sed 's/ *\stotal* *\(.*\)/\1/'
OR for bytes
du -csb /home/pi/walala/* | grep total | sed 's/ *\stotal* *\(.*\)/\1/'