ls -l test.file (to see the permissions of the file)
chmod 777 test.file
[This is where you save in vim]
chmod xxx test.file (restore the permissions you found in the first step)
" On POSIX (Linux/Mac/BSD):
:silent execute 'write !sudo tee ' . shellescape(@%, 1) . ' >/dev/null'
" Depending on the implementation, you might need this on Windows:
:silent execute 'write !sudo tee ' . shellescape(@%, 1) . ' >NUL'
" Use za (not a command; the keys) in normal mode to toggle a fold.
" META_COMMENT Modeline Definition: \{\{{1
" vim: ts=4 sw=4 sr sts=4 fdm=marker ff=unix fenc=utf-8
" ts: Actual tab character stops.
" sw: Indentation commands shift by this much.
" sr: Round existing indentation when using shift commands.
" sts: Virtual tab stops while using tab key.
" fdm: Folds are manually defined in file syntax.
" ff: Line endings should always be <NL> (line feed #09).
" fenc: Should always be UTF-8; #! must be first bytes, so no BOM.
" General Commands: User Ex commands. \{\{{1
command W call WriteAsSuperUser(@%) " Write file as super-user.
" Helper Functions: Used by user Ex commands. \{\{{1
function GetNullDevice() " Gets the path to the null device. \{\{{2
if filewritable('/dev/null')
return '/dev/null'
return 'NUL'
function WriteAsSuperUser(file) " Write buffer to a:file as the super user (on POSIX, root). \{\{{2
exec '%write !sudo tee ' . shellescape(a:file, 1) . ' >' . GetNullDevice()
" }}}1