I am trying to write a test that simulates some return values from Dropbox's REST service that gives me back data in an Array, with a nested hash.
I am having trouble figuring out how to code my Factory since the return result is an array with a has inside. What would go here?
Factory.define :dropbox_hash do
Dropbox data looks like this:
["/home", {"revision"=>48, "rev"=>"30054214dc", "thumb_exists"=>false, "bytes"=>0, "modified"=>"Thu, 29 Dec 2011 01:53:26 +0000", "path"=>"/Home", "is_dir"=>true, "icon"=>"folder_app", "root"=>"app_folder", "size"=>"0 bytes"}]
And I'd like a factory call like this in my RSpec: