Get-task-allow 在 Xcode 做什么?

在 iPhone 应用程序项目中设置权限时,我创建了一个新的 Entitlements.plist,并将 get-task-allow 的值设置为 false。但是为什么呢?这把钥匙代表什么?

注意这与 在为 iPhone 设备构建应用程序时,无法验证应用程序错误有关-我发现将这个键的值翻转为 true 允许我在我的设备上安装应用程序)

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The ability to debug your application on the iPhone.

From this thread on ADC:

get-task-allow, when signed into an application, allows other processes (like the debugger) to attach to your app. Distribution profiles require that this value be turned off, while development profiles require this value to be turned on (otherwise Xcode would never be able to launch and attach to your app).

For xcode 4:you have to create Entitlements.plist file from new file. and Targets->build Settings->Code Signing Entitlements you have to write here "Entitlements.plist"

I did this and xcode don not get anymore error

While your answer is correct, I just want to be more specific on this just so people who want to know what does exactly get_task_allow mean, can.

get_task_allow is an entitlement that allows other apps to get the task port of your app. This means that if any other app runs task_for_pid() with your app process ID they'll get the task port of your app so they can do things like for example writing and reading things on the memory, therefore being able to patch things and modify the behavior of your app.

If you take a look at how a jailbreak works, you'll notice one of the first things they do is get task_for_pid(mach_task_self(),0,&kernel_task); being that kernel_task is a mach_port_t with value 0, so they are able to touch the kernel's memory.

As kernel entitlements do not have get_task_allow entitlement, and Apple has even removed the possibility of doing tfp0(task_for_pid 0), they need a patch.

So basically as Xcode needs to touch your app's memory and work with it to debug it, you'll need to enable this for debugging, but you'll need to disable this to distribute your app or else any app would be able to get your task port.